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The Political Notion of China Democracy Party: Fairness,Justice, The Country belong to the Public!

The Dream and the Seeking of China Democracy Party: Setting up the free and Equal Society in China!

The Struggling Goal of China Democracy Party: Setting up the Constitutional, Democratic and Legal Country in China!

The Political Principle of China Democracy Party

1. Land should be privatized, and the farmland should be returned to peasants.

2. All Chinese citizens should have the right and freedom to choose places to move to and reside in nation-wide.

3. The governmental structure should be simplified to central,provincial and county levels; the central government is responsible for the national defense and diplomacies, provinces practice high autonomy, and villages and towns practice citizen autonomy as follows.

4. All Chinese citizens, including peasants, workers and all other classes, are entitled to social welfares like Medicare, unemployment compensation, pension and social security.

5.All Chinese citizens should have the equal opportunities of being educated, choosing occupations and personal careers.

6. Freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of forming organizations and assemblies, freedom of political beliefs and freedom of faith and practicing religions should be respected and therefore protected by laws.

7.Establish a constitutional government and democratic institutions balanced by different authorities; all levels of governments and legislatures are produced through direct elections.

8.Establish a neutral government, independent legislature and judiciary system, and nationalized military forces.

9.Practice capital's privatization, market economy and free competitions.

10.Constitution and laws have a privilege of supremacy; human rights and private properties are sacred and inviolable.

11.Rely on the democratic monitoring mechanism to supervise the government and prevent corruptions.

12.Peasants and workers should have the right to establish independent farmer associations and trade unions to secure their interests; equally, other stratums have the right to organize independent associations to secure their interests.

13.With the efforts of ending the autarchy, we also pursue a goal of win-win situation with the CCP's reformists.

14.Make China a wealthy, fair, free and democratic country governed by law and order.

(It was formulated on Jan. 1, 2000, and it was revised on Jan. 1,2002.)

Religious Principle of China Democracy Party

1. CDP advocate that all Chinese have right to choice freely any religious belief.

2. CDP advocate that all Chinese have right to attend any religious activities.

3. CDP advocate that all Chinese have right to set up and join any religious organizations.

4. CDP advocate that any religious organizations and individual must take activities under the constitution and the laws.

5. CDP oppose that any religious organizations and individual are engaged in the violence and terror by the religious name.

6. CDP try to impel that the Christian Religion, the Catholicism, the Buddhism, the Taoism and the Islamism will be tolerant in China, and China will be a harmonious society.

7. CDP oppose that the government and the political organizations restrict the religious freedom, and persecute the religious persons by the political power.

8. CDP advocate that the religion will become the belief’s base, to reset up the morality’s society.

It was formulated on Apr.1,2006, and it was revised on Jan.1, 2009

The Procedure for Joining China Democracy Party

It you are in the mainland China, please follow the procedure which you make an application to join China Democracy Party.

1. You must sent an Email which was an internet company in overseas to Mr. Wanjun Xie who is the Chairman of CDP, please make an application to join CDP.

Email: zgmzd1998@gmail.com cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com

2.You must repeat in your letter.The commont of the oath for joining China Democracy Party is that: I Swear: I join China Democracy Party willingly! I like to assist the line of party, follow the discipline of the party, keep the secret of the party, perform the obligation of the party, be loyal to the cause of the party! I like to struggle for the democracy and richness of our homeland! I like to struggle for the freedom and happiness of the China people! I like to sturggle for the fairness and justice of the society!

3.You must write your name or assumed name, sex, age, educational level and province.

It you are in overseas, please follow the procedure which you make an application to join China Democracy Party.

1. You must receipt . The commont of the condition for joining CDP is that: I agree the political principle of China Democracy Party;I like to make some contributions for pushing the social advanced and the political reform of China;I am conscientious to attend the various political activities and the various social activities which organized by China Democracy Party;I are conscious of following the organizations' discipline of China Democracy Party.

2.You should know that China Democracy Party has been decided to be the hostile organizations and the subverting organizations; there are dangerous to join China Democracy Party, you like to assume danger for pushing the democratic course of China.

3.You can make an application for joining CDP to the Members' Affairs Department of CDP by email, telphone and fax. You should seek advice by telphone,then you can through the procedure for joining CDP.

5、Contact for joining CDP
Organization's Name:China Democracy Party
Email: zgmzd1998@gmail.com cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
Tel:646-508-6285 718-539-3608

Editors:Hu Ming Edit Email: cdp9806@hotmail.com
Join CDP:cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
Tel: 718-539-3608 646-508-6285 Fax: 718-539-3608