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Yun Gao CDP Member's Site
 Name: Yun Gao
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Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!
Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Gao Yun: China's Restrictions on People vs. Freedom in United States

China's stiff management of personal freedom has a long history. Through thousands of years, people become docile and tamed. Without restrictions, people don't know what to do. Therefore, China is a nation without creativity. China claims the "four great inventions", which is the only four. As Chinese people were always "controlled" and have very limited space of ideology. How can they be creative?

The so-called "household registration system," took away the peopleós freedom of relocation for a long time. Before the Cultural Revolution, every neighborhood committee across the country can effectively control the people. Even what everyone said during the Cultural Revolution is also clearly recorded. No one could escape. After the Reform, the people-management offices are still effective. A very important responsibility for each work unit leader is to master the workers' thinking. The ideological rectification is virtually everywhere, leaving people no free space, and always keeping the minds busy, which wears people out.

After I came to the United States, all of a sudden I felt there's another "way of life" with the freedom of thinking. Personal relationships are sincere and simple. People do not have to handle complex human relations, and everyone is doing their own job. No one comes to do "ideological rectification". As long as it's legal, no one interfere with the freedom of an individual. In the United States, all of a sudden, the feeling of being "restricted" was gone. Americans encourage interaction among people instead of self-closure, encourage the freedom of people to set up various organizations and hold various activities. As long as permitted law and do not harm public security, the government would not interfere. In particular, government does not interfere with people's thinking. Only with the freedom of thought, a nation could be really creative.

I think that China's leaders should focus on technological progress, focus on development of national education, focus on the establishment of social security, and focus on fair distribution of social wealth, instead of calculating how control people's thoughts all the time.



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