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The Requirement for Joining China Democracy Party

1. Applicants agree the political principle of China Democracy Party.

2. Applicants like to make some contributions for pushing the social advanced and the political reform of China.

3. Applicants are conscientious to attend the various political activities and the various social activities which organized by China Democracy Party.

4. Applicants are conscious of following the organizations' discipline of China Democracy Party.

5. Applicants know that China Democracy Party has been decided to be the hostile organizations and the subverting organizations; there are dangerous to join China Democracy Party, they like to assume danger for pushing the democratic course of China.

发布日期: 2007年8月1日
Issued Date: 08/01/2007

Editors:Hu Ming Edit Email: cdp9806@hotmail.com
Join CDP:cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
Tel: 718-539-3608 646-508-6285 Fax: 718-539-3608