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Guiqiu Liang CDP Member's Site
 Name: Guiqiu Liang
 Date of Joining CDP:
 Branch for Joined CDP:  
   First Branch

Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!
Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Evaluation by the Democratic Infiltration Department of CDP Mr. Guiqiu Liang

Name: Guiqiu Liang


Date of Joining CDP: 08/06/2007

Branch for Joined CDP: First Branch

Organization's Evaluation:

Since Mr. Guiqiu Liang attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP, he was active to attend activities, and he was conscientious to finish his jobs of CDP. Through his learning and living experience in America, Mr. Guiqiu Liang receipted the American value view point gradually. he is willing to pass on the knowledge he has learned back to Chinese people through mails, let China common know the democratic system, he had made the active function for pushing the political reform in China.

Because Mr. Guiqiu Liang had attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP more than ten times in the fourth season 2007, he was issued the Merit Order of the CDP Central Committee. In Jan., 2008, he was appointed to be a backbone member of the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP( The official level in CDP is eighth.).

Liuyan Li

Seceretary of

The Democratic Infiltration Department of CDP




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