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Guiqiu Liang CDP Member's Site
 Name: Guiqiu Liang
 Sex: Male
 Date of Joining CDP:
 Branch for Joined CDP:  
   First Branch

Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!
Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Guiqiu Liang: Pursuing Freedom

I was born in China, where there is no freedom or democracy. My name is Liang, Guiqiu. I came to the United States of America for freedom, which I had been looking forward to for a long time.

In China, I personally witnessed the government officers forcing the pregnant women to take abortion surgery even though the women had been pregnant for a long period and their situation were not suitable for abortion. The pregnant women and their husbands hid out in other area, leaving the old parents in town. In these cases, the government will detain them as hostages. If they had their own housing properties, the officers would demolish the properties.

In Both China and the United States, there are some religions. However, people in the US can freely choose their religion they are looking for while they have not rights to choose in China. The government leaves the constitution and laws far behind and the 'Human Rights' are just the lush words in their mouth.

In 1998, the government determined the Falungong as evil. Many families have been broken. Kids form the 'evil' family could not go to school any more. Massive amounts of people have been detained in the prisons and the government would release them only if they leave the Falungong. There are a lot of facts, which can prove the dishonor of human rights in China. While the government defined the religion believes as evils, the Chinese people have no right to choose their believes.

I started to know the China Democracy Party in the United States. After I was acquainted with its principles and propositions, I made up my mind to join it in order to achieve the democracy and freedom. The only way to secure the people's human rights is to participate in the democratic activities. I think it was my best decision to join the China Democracy Party.  




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