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Suhua Lian CDP Member's Site
 Name: Suhua Lian
 Date of Joining CDP:
 Agency for Joined CDP:  
    The Members Affairs'
    Department of CDP

Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!
Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Evaluation by the Democratic Marathon Department of CDP to Ms. Suhua Lian

Name: Suhua Lian


Date of Joining CDP: 01/20/2008

Agency for Joined CDP: The Members Affairs' Department of CDP

Organization's Evaluation:

Ms. Suhua Lian has a deep understanding of the significance of the Marathon protests, she was enthusiasm to attend the Democratic Marathon Protests. It was shown that she could follow and guard the discipline of the protests when she attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP, she could follow the arrangement of the organization. Ms. Suhua Lian liked to sent the request of CDP and all dissidents to CCP authorities. she hoped that China would become a democratic and constitutional country.

Because Ms. Suhua Lian had attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP more than ten times in 1st season 2008, she was issued the Merit Order of the CDP Central Committee; Because Ms. Suhua Lian had attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP more than ten times in 1st season 2008, she was issued the Merit Order of the CDP Central Committee.

Ming Hu

Secretary of

The Democratic Marathon Department of CDP




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