Yong Lin Members' Website
My English
Political Principle
Oath Swearing
CDP Flag
Policies & Stands
Joining CDP
Joining Procedure
Reward in CDP
Democratic Marathon
Democratic Infiltration
Members' Page
Members' Comment
CDP Affairs
Social Activities
Contact CDP
  CDP Member's Introducing
Name: Yong Lin

Sex: Male

The Date of the Joining CDP: Apr. 11, 2011

Recruiting: The Members Affairs' Department of CDP

Approved: The Organization Department of CDP

  Swearing in Ceremony for Joining CDP
   Swearing in Ceremony for Joining CDP
  Swearing for being CDP Officer
   Swearing for being CDP Officer
   The Public Notice for being cadres of CDP
  The Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP(1)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP(2)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP(3)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP(4)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP(5)
   The Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP(1)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP(2)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP(3)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP(4)
   Mr. Yong Lin attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP(5)



The Democratic Marathon Protests
The Democratic Marathon Protests
The Democratic Marathon Protests
The Democratic Marathon Protests

Edit: Hu Ming Edit's Email: cdp9806@hotmail.com
Contact and Joining CDP: cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
Address: 135-50 Roosevelt Ave., 308, Flushing, NY11354, U.S.A
Tel: 718-539-3608 646-508-6285 Fax: 718-539-3608