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Xinchao Wang CDP Member's Site
 Name:Xinchao Wang
 Date of Joining CDP:
 Branch for Joined CDP:  
   First Branch

Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Xinchao Wang: Issues in Rural Area

China is the world's major agriculture country. In the past decades, polices for the countryside area were not state clearly. The government has levied the peasantsó farms in order to develop the nationós economy. However, It was not backed by any appropriate polices. This has affected the peasants' benefits. Peasants have more problems to make a living. It has become a human rights issue.

In the past years, peasants have no right to move freely. It is difficult to leave rural area or the change their resident status. It cost certain amount to grow things in their farms. But it is not easy to get the loan, due to the policies that the farmlands are not allowed to be mortgaged.

Peasants lack autonomic organizations to protect their rights. All farmers and peasants over the world have their own associations, except in China.

In rural area, the public health system is not well enough. There no social security system either. Peasants are not able to find a job. The gap between the towns and countries and getting wider. Peasants are hard to get a job in the cities because the employers can hire the individuals with a city resident statue.

These problems in rural area are the results of the autocracy of the China Communist Party. That's why we are here to protest for democracy. We would like to carry out the democracy in China and we believe that the democratic China can affect the peasants in China.


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