Name: Zhenjie Weng
Gender: Male
1. On Jan. 9, 2008, Mr. Zhenjie Weng joined China Democracy Party.
2. In Oct., 2008, Mr. Zhenjie Weng was appointed a member of the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP, the official level in CDP was ninth.
3. Mr. Zhenjie Weng published his three articles on CDP web site, to attack the current politic in China.
4. In Apr., 2008, Mr. Zhenjie Weng attended the activities which was organized by CDP to express the political view on the "world Journal", to propagate the democratic thought.
5. On Jun., 2008, Mr. Zhenjie Weng attended the mourning activities in front of China Embassy in Washington DC, which was organized by CDP to mourn the killed students in Tiananmen Square Beijing in 1989.
6. In Aug., 2008, Mr. Zhenjie Weng attended the activities which was organized by CDP, they requested that China government should reform the political system by the change that the Olympic Game was held in China.
7. In Oct., 2008, because Mr. Zhenjie Weng had attended the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP more than ten times in third season 2008, he was issued the Merit Order of the CDP Central Committee.
8. Mr. Zhenjie Weng has been attending the Democratic Infiltration Operation of CDP more than ten times since he joined CDP.
9. Mr. Zhenjie Weng has been attending the Democratic Marathon Protests of CDP more than ten times since he joined CDP.
Issued Date: 12/01/2008