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Wen Yang CDP Member's Site
 Name: Wen Yang
 Date of Joining CDP:
 Branch for Joined CDP:  
   First Branch

Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Wen Yang: Justice and Fairness

In China, did we see any justice and fairness? Yes or no? Those are only luxuries of upper class. For average person like us, those are luxury, and not realistic. For the powerful class, fairness is their right of way. Spending a little money to bribe, they can get access to the power most people can't. In our class, we cannot enjoy any rights given by the Chinese government. We are only victims. We cannot speak. We can only watch. What life means if even the freedom of speech is gone? Here, people in 21st century manage their own life. While how many people could really do that in China? They have ideas and ability, but do not have the opportunity to realize it. Is it the so called fairness?

Remember someday in some year, several years ago, something unfair happened right beside us. Did the Chinese official do anything to solve it or even noticed it? They buried someone's life just for their own benefits. When the victims appealed to upper level officials, did they ever open their eyes and see the truth? The higher level officials are the problems. Officials protect officials, what could we do? Can we win over the government? Can we sue the government? Haha, we can't imagine that. If it's revealed by the government, we are gonna be jailed. How bitter life is, and how cruel the officials are. It's our poor life!




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