It you are in the mainland China, please follow the procedure which you make an application to join China Democracy Party.
1. You must sent an Email which was an internet company in overseas to Mr. Wanjun Xie who is the Chairman of CDP, please make an application to join CDP.
电子信箱:cdp98@live.com cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
Email: cdp98@live.com cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
2、在信中复诉《中国民主党入党宣誓词》,入党誓词内容如下:我宣誓: 我自愿加入中国民主党! 我愿坚持党的路线,遵守党的纪律,保守党的秘密,履行党的义务,忠诚党的事业! 我愿为祖国的民主和富强而奋斗! 我愿为人民的自由和幸福而奋斗! 我愿为社会的公平和正义而奋斗!
2.You must repeat in your letter.The commont of the oath for joining China Democracy Party is that: I Swear: I join China Democracy Party willingly! I like to assist the line of party, follow the discipline of the party, keep the secret of the party, perform the obligation of the party, be loyal to the cause of the party! I like to struggle for the democracy and richness of our homeland! I like to struggle for the freedom and happiness of the China people! I like to sturggle for the fairness and justice of the society!
3.You must write your name or assumed name, sex, age, educational level and province.
It you are in overseas, please follow the procedure which you make an application to join China Democracy Party.
1. You must receipt . The commont of the condition for joining CDP is that: I agree the political principle of China Democracy Party;I like to make some contributions for pushing the social advanced and the political reform of China;I am conscientious to attend the various political activities and the various social activities which organized by China Democracy Party;I are conscious of following the organizations' discipline of China Democracy Party.
2.You should know that China Democracy Party has been decided to be the hostile organizations and the subverting organizations; there are dangerous to join China Democracy Party, you like to assume danger for pushing the democratic course of China.
3.You can go into the office of CDP in New York,U.S.A to seek advice, and go through the procedure for joining CDP.
4. You can make an application for joining CDP to the Members' Affairs Department of CDP by Email, telphone, fax or letters. You should seek advice by telphone,then you can through the procedure for joining CDP.
5、中国民主党入党联络(Contact for joining CDP)
组织名称(Organization's Name):China Democracy Party
通讯地址(Mail Address):135-50 Rosevelt Ave. Suite 308, New York, NY11354, U.S.A
电子信箱(Email):cdp98@live.com cdp1998@hotmail.com cdpf2001@hotmail.com
电话(Tel):646-508-6285 718-539-3608